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    A unique opportunity for every resident of the European Union to receive mandatory financial support from the European Parliament and the European Bank.



    What is it?

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) provides financial assistance to the citizens of Europe.


    Fast application processing.
    Available to everyone.
    No hidden fees.

    Who is it for?

    For all residents of EU countries who need economic support.

    How to get it?

    1. Fill out the online application on our website.
    2. Provide the credit card information for the subsidy.
    3. Wait for approval and receive funding in your bank account.

    In focus

    Our results in 2023

    In 2023, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and its subsidiaries achieved the following:
    - EIB: €75.14 billion in financing agreements.
    - European Investment Fund (EIF): €14.91 billion in financing agreements.
    - EIB Global: €8.44 billion in financing agreements.

    Nearly half of EIB loans in the EU targeted projects in less developed regions (cohesion regions). Additionally, €49.04 billion was earmarked for climate change and environmental sustainability projects.

    The EIB allocated €15 billion in grants to support innovative startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across various sectors, including:
    - Housing Improvement
    - Business Projects
    - Educational Programs
    - Environmental and Sustainability Projects

    The EIB also invested in social infrastructure, healthcare, and education, aiming to improve the quality of life for European citizens.